
Fresh Cherry Crumble

A quick post tonight to share a fantastic recipe for fresh cherry crumble. Yesterday I was lured by fresh sweet cherries at the grocery store and my initial intention was to make Anna Olson's Cherry Clafoutis. Then I recalled a recipe I saw via Tastespotting awhile back for individual cherry crumbles that looked too good to resist. So I retracked my steps and found the recipe again. It came together in a flash thanks to my 9 yr old who loves to work the greatest gadget of all time - the cherry pitter!

Once pitted and halved, the cherries simmer a few minutes with some sugar then off to a super fast thickening phase. Scoop the cherries into little ramekins, top with an easy-peasy crumble mixture and bake for 15 minutes. DONE ! Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream and you are in business.

As I ate this my mind raced to so many other fruit possibilities as well - peaches, strawberries, caramelized apples. Each bite was sheer perfection and I cannot wait to make it again with even more fruit varieties though after tonight a cherry crumble may truly be deemed my #1 choice where desserts are concerned. Yes, it was THAT good !

Rather than re-posting the recipe I will simply redirect you to Veggie Belly's lovely blog for her recipe for Fresh Cherry Crumble.



  1. YUM -- I adore all things cherry and am a huge fan of individual servings. Thanls for sharing the recipe :)


  2. AnonymousJuly 27, 2011

    This is yummy-yummy-yummy!

  3. Oh jummie and so easy too! I love how you can see a bit of the cherry juice on the site. Lovely color.

  4. These look absolutely perfect! I bet they taste it too. x


Thank you for your comments!

Linda @ Lemon Drop