
Chocolate Chip Scones and a Giveaway !

It is giveaway time again! Right on target for the holiday season. I love giveaways. It really lights up my day when I can send off a sweet treat to one of my beloved followers. Without you all, Lemon Drop wouldn't exist. You are the bread to my butter.

So once again we gather for another fun giveaway that focuses on - you guessed it - my love of CUPCAKES! They are my all time favorite treat. Gluten-free, flour based, topped with ganache or buttercream. You name it, I love it. So what better way to kick off the festive season than with a Christmas cupcake themed giveaway?!

For those who follow Lemon Drop, my giveaways alway consist of some type of baking gadget or presentation kit. To me these are simply the tools which let your imagination soar. How you go about using the prize is always totally up to you. For me, I simply want to help you expand your creative baking ideas ! I saw this cupcake kit while out hunting for my next prize to offer you all and knew this was the one.

The prize is a fantastic Meri Meri Happy Holidays Cupcake Kit. It contains 24 baking cups, 12 cupcake gingerbread cupcake wrappers and a variety of 12 toppers. How cute is that ?

The contest rules are the same as all my last giveaways. To recap:


This giveaway will not be open that long for submissions to ensure the winner receives the goodies in time for Christmas. So act fast and don't miss out on your chance to win !

Minimum requirements (1 chance to win):

  • Be a follower of this blog and add a comment to this post stating you are a follower. To follow, simply scroll down on the right until you see the Follow button in the sidebar. Then join up!
Please do ensure that you meet the minimum requirement or I regret to say that your entry won't be counted.

Additional chances to win:

  • Minimum requirements must still be met
  • Publish a post on this giveaway in your own blog and link it back to this post (+2 more chances to win)
  • Add a link at the side of your blog (sidebar) to my blog. Feel free to use any image from this post if you want to (+ 1 more chance to win)
  • Provide a link to your blog in your comment and leave the post/link on your blog for 1 more week after the giveaway has closed for compilation purposes.


Contest closes 11 PM EST, Wednesday, December 7th, 2011. An online random selection tool (@ will be used to select the winner. Name of winner will be announced on Lemon Drop the following day and a request will be issued to the winner to contact me privately. The winner has 24 hours after winner announcement to contact me and claim their prize.


Now onto the recipe

Usually I like to take the time to make super flaky scones that have endless buttery layers. This involves grating frozen butter plus some kneading and folding of the dough several times envelope style. Though I usually make this type of scone 99% of the time (the taste really cannot be beat) there are simply days where easy reigns supreme! On those days drop scones quickly become my best friend. They will become yours too.

This gorgeous little fellas require minimal prep time and bake up like fluffy cakes studded with sweet chocolate chips. A sprinkling of turbinado sugar pre-bake takes them up to an even higher level of YUM!

I whipped these up in under 10 minutes and then baked them for 15. So yes, within 1/2 hr you can have a scone ready and waiting for you. I love these for the simplicity, the taste, the versatility. Don't like chocolate? Then why not add dried cranberries and orange zest, or try butterscotch or peanut butter chips? So many choices.

I won't bother re-posting the recipe here as I stuck to the one featured at Annie's Eats. It is a great recipe and one I will definitely reuse in the future. So if you are drooling over these then head over to Annie's Eats and make up a batch of your own. You will be happy you did!

RECIPE: Chocolate Chip Scones, Annie's Eats

Also linked here:

Miz Helen’s Country Cottage




  1. I follow on GFC as Kathy Eyre

  2. I am already a follower. Great giveaway! I can see that everybody is in a cookies mood lately!

  3. I am a relatively new follower, but am learning more and more. Finding inspiration for my own baking adventures every time I read your blog! :)

  4. I am a follower of your wonderful blog.

  5. already following you
    lovely scone and giveaway

  6. Cute giveaway! Yes, I am a follower...and I love the sound of these scones...mmmmmmm.

  7. Following your blog via GFC under Berendina Dykema .I'm hoping this giveaway is open for Canada! I love baking!


  8. Added an image on my sidebar linked to the giveaway post.


  9. I'm a follower.... Love your giveaway and will be trying your recipe..Love scones and anything chocolate chip !


  10. This giveaway is open to all followers - WORLDWIDE

  11. I have been following you for awhile :) Thank you for offering such a fun giveaway, I love little kits like this!

  12. I follow your blog and cute give away!

  13. i've recently been on a cupcake kick, so awesome. i follow!

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  14. I am already a follower too!
    Have a nice day!

  15. I am a follower!! Thanks for the nice giveaway!

    Mary L

  16. Linda, those scones are just awesome. I need one to go with my afternoon tea. Hope you are having a great holiday week end. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope you will come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  17. What a cute giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. I am already a follower of your blog. Best of luck to everyone!

  18. Linda, I just stumbled onto your blog. Already a big fan (immediately became a follower). Love the recipes I've seen.

  19. Those scones are beautiful! I love the sugar on the outside, yum! Thanks for sharing on Crazy Sweet Tuesday! :)

  20. I saw your sticky cinnamon bun muffins on and thought they looked delicious! I am now officially a follower of your blog. :D

  21. I follow with GFC - Soozle
    sbabij2 at shaw dot ca

  22. I've grabbed your button
    sbabij2 at shaw dot ca

  23. I'm a new follower and would love a chance to win this lovely set ~ thanks!

  24. Dont forget me, Im a follower tooooooo

  25. You know I am a follower and one of your biggest fans:)

  26. omg. how cute are those cupcake kits by meri meri. Thanks for the recipe. yum


Thank you for your comments!

Linda @ Lemon Drop